
Hi everyone! It’s the last week of April and I was planning to do a book roundup and review of all the books I read this month. But I decided to do it next time and write a very short post about Bookstagram this week.

Have you heard of Bookstagram?

Bookstagram is an Instagram account where bookish people post photos mainly about books. It has a nice community of authors, publishers, readers, booksellers, etc.

I decided to start my own Bookstagram last January since I don’t want my family and friends to get annoyed with me posting about books all the time in my personal account.

And so far, it had been fun. I met some few friends and even authors that I really like. Here are some of my few photos that I took and sometimes my hubby took for me:

I usually post on my Bookstagram twice a week. But I post Bookstagram Stories as often as I can. And if you want, please follow me on my bookstagram,  anacskiebookmusings .


That’s it for this week. Please leave a comment below what you think of Bookstagram. If you have a Bookstagram yourself, please let me know too so I can follow you. Have a good week everyone.


42 thoughts on “Bookstagram

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  1. I don’t have a bookstagram & wasn’t even aware it was a thing 🙈. I tend to just post my book posts on my blog account @lifeinthegingerlane

    I’ll definitely be following you, love your pics!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Thank you so much. It’s a wonderful community. And if you want we can be reading buddies too. Reading buddies is similar to a book club but instead of big groups it only consists of few people. Please let me know if you’re interested. And thanks again for following me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That sounds fab! I’m not reading much at the moment, not long had a baby so my spare time is stretched 😂. But I’d love to be a reading buddy xx


      2. Will do 😊 I’ve got a huge tbr pile at the moment 🙈 what kind of books do you usually read?


  2. This is probably the best news I’ve received today (and it’s been a pretty good day)! I had no idea this existed but I’m going to have to join up right away.

    Thanks for sharing this with us!


  3. I’ve never heard of Bookstagram! Thanks for this. I definitely want to check this out. Do you post pictures/words or both?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I wasn’t aware there were bookstagrams. I’ve only recently started using Instagram though and I’m trying to get the hang of creating posts for poetry. There’s a huge poetry community on there as well which took me by surprise when I found out.
    I do like your photos though. The one with the rose is very pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Carol. And oh that’s pretty awesome, I love reading poetry. What’s your username on Instagram so I can follow you. I hope you can follow me too,


  5. I like the idea of bookstagram I’m gonna Check it out! And I like Your blog! I’m always looking for a good book to read! I try to read 2 a week but it ends up being about 1! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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